
at the DMTpe

As a competent engineering partner, we also offer you customized solutions in the field of simulation technology. We provide you with precise and reliable simulation results using the latest tools such as Ansys Workbench for structural mechanics and Siemens NX or Solidworks Flow Simulation for flow and thermal simulations.

Areas of application

Our simulation services cover a wide range of application areas. In structural mechanics, for example, we examine the stability of housing assemblies and their behavior under specified loads. We also optimize individual components in order to maximize their competences. In the area of flow and heat simulation, we focus on the heat dissipation of devices. By optimizing heat dissipation from motors, circuit boards, valves and other electronic components, we improve the overall performance and efficiency of your systems.

Advantages for our customers

Our simulation services offer you numerous advantages. Even the concept phase provides you with early information about the strengths and weaknesses of your product. By using simulations, we are virtually independent of real resources, which generates cost efficiency and flexibility, especiallyin comparison to complex test series. This enables you to quickly optimize geometries in terms of strength, rigidity, heat dissipation, pressure loss of the fan and much more. We also offer you the opportunity to provide evidence such as screw preload or service life. The focus here is on structural mechanics (using the finite element method) as well as flow and thermal analyses.

Individual services tailored to your needs are a matter of course for us. This includes quick feedback on interim results or exports of simulation results for free Solidworks and Ansys viewers to view the result in 3D. Suggestions for design optimization, further iterations and planning of suitable tests can be derived from this.


Point of Contact

For project requests, please contact our sales team:

+49 7032 89436-0

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